Monday, March 23, 2020

The Ultimate

The anti climactic feel is palpable
We try to move along but ultimately, we are just going in circles..
Loneliness is not born of being alone
Loneliness is born of feeling alone
Feeling as though there is no one who understands
No one who can truly relate
No one who feels exactly what you(I) feel 
No one who cares enough to even try to relate
And even the effort, what little is offered, is not enough
If your life has soiled you, left you less in the eyes of others
Dirtied by the detritus of life
Maybe on some small level, you can relate.
All we want is love
If not from a mate, at least from some soul who appreciates and reciprocates your care for them
Be it blood or friend, two legged or four
We want a place to belong, someone to belong with and someone who belongs with us
A linkage of lineage
A place in the chain of life
Somewhere where we matter, where our sacrifices matter
Where our choices to 
Do good 
Protect the innocent and 
Be honorable
Apparently, that place is not here
Perhaps it is not on this plane
How does one skip to the next?

Point & Counterpoint

Its funny
Two opposite feelings can coexist
At war with each other
Yet dependent upon each other to exist
As the prophet says
Things derive their being and nature from their opposites,
   -and are nothing in themselves

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Hierarchy versus Meritocracy

This is the kind of crazy thing that runs through it mind like a freight train at random moments.:
So lobsters and humans diverged from a common ancestor over 300 million years ago and lobsters have a neurological circuit that is tuned to their place in their hierarchy. If they fight and lose, they shrink down a little and recoil from that competitor in the future. If they fight and win, they stretch out in a more victorious pose. So what?
Their hierarchy system runs on serotonin just human brains.
So what? This means that hierarchies are an intrinsic and essential part of being for many species  including humans, and how could in not be? Effectively, it is a biological case for the purpose of hierarchies in social orders and how they rank individuals which offers preferential access to mating.
It is arguably a natural law, a meritocracy, which by design encourages the mating success of the best candidates, those who offer the best qualities to future generations.
Humans are no different, except for our qualifiers. We, in our comfortable lives over the last hundred years or so, have lost touch with what is important and have corrupted our own selection mechanisms so that now some bad guys are selected as the best guy, most desirable candidate for mating.
This societal dysfunction has caused major resentment in the hearts of young men who scrupulously do the good right and honorable things only to be overlooked by the target of their affections,  so they become assholes to attract what they desire, and often stop aspiring to the good. This has huge societal impact in a dysfunctional feedback loop.
This is a parallel to the body politic in that once upon a time, it was a hierarchy of honor and decency, learned and wise. But it is no longer that. The Senate and Congress are no longer populated with the best and brightest, operating with good and noble intentions, it is all posturing and manipulation, games of control, mud slinging and selling us, the public, down the river for their own payday.
But what if it were a meritocracy?
What if we could sweep the leeches and controlling hatemongers out of office and replace then all with people who have some scruples and decency about them?
What if our political system caused the best and brightest, those with the greatest measure of honor and conscientiousness to rise to the top, to positions of greater power because those are the people who could best be trusted with that power?
Could you imagine the greatness that could be achieved?
Yeah. That was a 2 second thought at about 10am today
Hierarchy is a meritocracy. And hierarchy is a natural law, therefore a meritocracy is the best possible system to employ to govern because it is analogous to a natural law, or at very least the closest to one in can think of.

Sunday, March 15, 2020

home is

They say home is where the heart is
But what if your heart is homeless,
And all have you are faint echoes of faded memories?
Then your home is everywhere and nowhere
Your home is the protective shell you withdraw within like a turtle, the shell that protects you against the harsh brutality of the world.. 
safe and warm.. but in the dark.

Monday, March 2, 2020

What is the measure of a man

As years slip by with increasing speed, one pauses to ponder, what is the measure of a man?
Is it the number of respects paid
Is it the number of tears shed upon his passage?
Or is it perhaps, the net positive imprint he leaves on the world?
Perhaps it is all three
What did you do?
How did you love?
What impact did you leave?
Even if only by way of having taught us which path not to take, teachers are the most impactful people in our lives
And our first teachers are our parents
My father was a great man.
He was never rich yet had wealth beyond measure in the circle of friends who loved him and came to pay their respects upon his passage from this domain.
Down the hall, out the door and down the street, this was the description of the alleged line of people who came to pay respects to our father.
I never verified the truth of it, i just accepted it was so, because it was abundantly credible to me.
And I wanted to believe it
By that measure of a man, his were shoes I could never fill
My best hope for any real measure is to teach what not to do
Because I tried too much it, and I learned the hard way, it was a bad idea
I would implore you, Listen to that still small voice of conscience on your shoulder
While it does not have all the answers, it will try to stop you from life alteringly bad decisions
Never surrender your heart or soul to anyone or anything but the good, the light
There are choices you can make that will derail your train such that you will never get it back on the tracks again.
Mind your good intentions, your heart and your soul, and do what is right, even if no one else is doing it.
Even if that means you walk alone
Sometimes, it only takes one spark to light up the dark
And it is in the dark that a spark shines brightest
This is no high art, no classic rhythm and rhyme, I am not a learned man
But there is a truth here, and it would serve you to learn it:
Love is the root of all good things