Monday, October 8, 2007


I have departed the normal course.. 
the normal path so many follow 
It is not permanent. 
but for the moment i enjoy the moments of peace 
the quietness that can enter one's soul when freed from the stresses of life 
i find myself lost in the wood.. 
 .. not so far from the path but out of sight 
none the less there is a tragedy here.. 
that I could feel so disconnected from the awe of nature 
so alienated from what is good and real.. 
though i would not choose this if i had a choice, 
i must once again swallow my voice and turn back toward that beaten path, 
rejoining this life.. 
already in progress..


swelling like a tidal wave 
intent on washing over everything in its path 
with all the force and fury of a tempest 
mother nature on a rampage 
laying waste 
obliterating everything 
all succumb to the forces they cannot control eventually

Thursday, September 6, 2007

"Sweaty Brain" or "Nicotine Withdrawal"

I want free of this.. 
my mind races in no particular direction r
eliving and rehashing old wounds.. 
old loves.. old losses.. 
walking on eggshells when all i want is to scream out loud in the faces of those who would listen.. 
to show them how thin the line is between now and lost forever 
how carefully i'm walking the line.. 
how dangerous my path, 
how tenuous my footing.. 
I slow my breathing.. 
I slow my heart 
I face the world again.


for some reason today, my mind flashed to loves and lusts i've known.. 
why should they now come forth from the depths of my mind? 
do i seem to be somehow in need of a bit of misery? 
a splash of exquisite agony.. 
the memories of profound feelings are indeed a joy, 
but.. set against the backdrop of this moment.. they are torturous..

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Go ahead, Pile it on

Sometimes it seems like my life and circumstances are designed to test me.. I mean the past two months have been practically a constant downhill slide on every level. I could waste my time listing off and focusing on my hardships, but it would serve no purpose. I seek no sympathy. As my father said,
"if you are looking for sympathy, you'll find it between shit and syphilis in the dictionary.. and that's the ONLY place you'll find it."
He was pretty smart like that. The real world doesn't give a rat's fuck about most anyone, unless you are rich or powerful, and I am neither. No worries. I don't measure myself by other people's perceptions of me. If you like me for who I am, cool. If not, your loss. I will not be crushed under the weight of it all. go ahead and pile it on. I will not surrender. I will not quit. I will persevere in the end, and my success will be that much more sweet.

Nicotine Dreams

Who would have thought that this little patch 
would bring such vivid dreams to hatch? 
Powerful dreams, sensual and real 
as any that I in my memory did feel 
fighting the dawn to stay asleep 
within the dreams so warm and deep 
but forced awake i face the day 
wishing that the dreams would stay 
but fleeting fast they disappear 
retreating to a place not near 
waiting for me to come again 
for i will live among them then 
 the dreams have now become surreal 
i wish that i could always feel 
the feelings and sensations there 
to live and dream without a care 
 sweet dreams to you all

Monday, August 6, 2007


Acceptance of truths over which we have no control.. 
acceptance of the loss of love, 
or even the hope thereof.. 
or loss of a dear and special friend.. 
loss of all the perfect things 
is tragic in the pain it brings. 
this world so reft with angst and pain, 
once ignored, now clear again, 
tortures me, my softer side, 
until it can but run and hide, 
back within the gilded keep, 
hidden well and buried deep, 
it lives and hopes inside of me, 
awaiting someday to be free. 
It is a tragic moment in time.. 
if it were but a moment it would be tolerable 
but it comes and goes as I waver from hope to acceptance 
hope against all reason still lives in me 
therein lies my greatest strength and my greatest source of pain 
I revel in it.. the pain.. for it is like an old friend, 
i know it well 
it inspires me to be a better man 
to aspire to greater things 
to appreciate the joys that life brings.. 
fleeting though they may be.

Friday, August 3, 2007

Graffiti in my mind

once again.. 
twisting, hanging, burning in the fetid winds the sudden realization that I am not past it at all 
and though I am nothing.. have nothing to share, ... 
i want more so much more.. i am biting back so much 
this is the price of hope.. the pain it brings.. 
the emptiness of unfulfilled dreams dreams that carried me through thousands of miles back home 
i suppose they served a purpose 
so now should i just let them go? 
or still hold on against all reason? 
maybe i'll decide tomorrow...

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Time still ticking away

whether with or without purpose, time keeps ticking away 
stealing seconds of your life, 
one tick at a time 
a life lived.. no transcended, looking for purpose and fulfillment 
finding neither 
simply wandering the labyrinth under the full moon 
excited, half-blind, and seeing monsters in the shrubs.. 
refusing to admit it 
refusing to be brought down by the weight 
refusing to bend.. 
to be bent without intent 
standing tall in the face of it all 
knowing that one day it will all catch up with me 
sooner or later, 
that day will come.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Times Passes..

time passes and situations change.. 
realizations come and change perspectives 
..sometimes its all about perspective.. 
i feel lost in the maze of life 
unsure about what i want or where i want to be 
ever aware that time is slipping by 
i have felt burning passions but now i am numb ambivalent towards my life, 
my direction.. or lack thereof 
discordant thoughts and feelings playing through my head 
no purpose in being, 
no passion for life and love 
fallen back into the life i've known 
simply existing, but not really living not truly alive at all 
simply pacing off my time 
how many steps to the unknown? 
discarded by the norms of society, i live as an addict again addicted to adrenaline, 
to feeling alive, 
by flirting with danger and death

Love is

love is a passion
it consumes us
it drives to aspire to greater things
it is the very nectar of life
but when love leaves us
empty and alone
cold and vacant
then what is left?
what purpose is there?
what reason to be?